Right On Track
Monday, March 30, 2009
So today we had a home game. We made a big comeback in the second half, but we still lost. It's okay because we did great. I'm very proud of our team :) And I MADE A GOAL WOOOOOOT :D

Then, Jason and I went running. It was nice and relaxing...until my stomach was growling like CRAZY. So, we headed over to the bowie town center to eat SUUUUBWAYYYY :]

Well, I THOUGHT today was a good day, but I'm not really sure anymore. I became close with the YG and then I find out that most are moving soon. Yeah, I know it's life and of course we all change especially after high school- maturing and such. I'm not complaining about that part. But I'm depressed just by the thought of not being able to see my best friends on a regular daily basis anymore. I don't know... I guess they're happy they're going their own ways. I'M happy for them too. Just.. it doesn't really seem like they care about what they're leaving behind. who they're leaving behind. I shouldn't think about it, I'm trying not to. It's hard.

...I just don't want three years to come. at all.
Slid down the rainbow at 11:31 PM
  • At March 31, 2009 at 2:15 AM, Blogger Jason said…

    Of course they would care about what and who they're leaving behind. Most of us were born and raised in MD, and have become attached to familiarities, family, and yeah, friends. Friends do come and go, but if you find great friends, they'll last forever, no matter the physical distance between you and them.

    One day, it might be possible that you'd be going somewhere too. Maybe. Sigh.

  • At September 11, 2009 at 4:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    well i'll be sure to make the next 3 years awesome! then you will want them to come! duh =D


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