Right On Track
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Life's good. Everything seems to be falling back into place, the way it should be.

This summer has been interesting. I lost friends, regained them, and made new ones too. These new friends that I made are the ones I met at Edison's prom. I can tell that these Virginians are not any ordinary people. I believe that they came into my life for a reason. Although we haven't known each other for a long time, I know they are good people and true friends. Phillip, Andre (Already know him lol), Thanh, Burhan, Pavan, Kenny... They're awesome and they make me smile. Out of the group, there's a special one. A real special one. Denis He. Hm, where do I begin? One, I met him at Prom. Two, he's fat. REALLY FAT. Three, he's a loser. Four, he basically knows me. And five, he captured my heart :)

College is soon starting, and well.. frankly, I'm nervous yet excited. Oh yeah! Financial Aid FINALLY put together a package for me andddddd.. I got a full ride to UMCP! Yay :) Next thing that needs to be done until I'm all set is go to orientation on the 19th and register for class.

But.. I'll miss everyone. I hope we keep in touch, and SKYPE/OOVOO guys! :]
Slid down the rainbow at 1:26 AM 7 comments
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Lately, I feel that I am able to connect to God more... I'm starting to get to know and understand him. I still don't know a great deal, but I want to learn. I want to be closer. I feel more positive and happier now!

If anyone has any passage or section from the Bible that they would like to recommend, please let me know! :)
Slid down the rainbow at 10:48 PM 4 comments
Where To?
Hi,I love you :)
Music :)