Right On Track
Sunday, September 6, 2009
This first week of school was good. I finally got confirmed on the waitlist for math112 with the teacher I wanted. In total, I had seven classes but I decided to drop Geology and probably take it next semester. I don't want to overwhelm myself with school and two jobs (federal work study and orange julius). So far, college isn't TOO bad and I'm actually stopping myself from procrastinating. Everything was good. Except for Wednesday. I crashed. And hit my head on the wheel. I am so stupid. Yeah, I was driving like 10 mph and I stepped on the break and I reached over towards the passenger seat to look for my hw cause I thought I forgot it.and since I'm short, my feet like let go of break without me realizing it, and went over the curb on the right and crashed into an electric box, then small tree shrub... and instead of stopping and checking the car, I continued rushing cause man, I was about to be lateeeee. So on the way there, I started hearing this weird noise and the car was like..shaking/vibrating on the right side.. Guess what? FLAT TIRE. AND THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE BUMPER IS MESSED UP. GREAT, JUST GREAT. So I drove into a gas station and called a bunch of people, but mostly everyone was in class. Denis, however, came to my rescue and stayed by side when I told my parents. I got in SOOOO much trouble. It would've been worse if he wasn't there.. sigh. So I pretty much lost my parent's trust....yay.
Slid down the rainbow at 10:24 PM
Where To?
Hi,I love you :)
Music :)