Sunday, September 6, 2009 |
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This first week of school was good. I finally got confirmed on the waitlist for math112 with the teacher I wanted. In total, I had seven classes but I decided to drop Geology and probably take it next semester. I don't want to overwhelm myself with school and two jobs (federal work study and orange julius). So far, college isn't TOO bad and I'm actually stopping myself from procrastinating. Everything was good. Except for Wednesday. I crashed. And hit my head on the wheel. I am so stupid. Yeah, I was driving like 10 mph and I stepped on the break and I reached over towards the passenger seat to look for my hw cause I thought I forgot it.and since I'm short, my feet like let go of break without me realizing it, and went over the curb on the right and crashed into an electric box, then small tree shrub... and instead of stopping and checking the car, I continued rushing cause man, I was about to be lateeeee. So on the way there, I started hearing this weird noise and the car was like..shaking/vibrating on the right side.. Guess what? FLAT TIRE. AND THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE BUMPER IS MESSED UP. GREAT, JUST GREAT. So I drove into a gas station and called a bunch of people, but mostly everyone was in class. Denis, however, came to my rescue and stayed by side when I told my parents. I got in SOOOO much trouble. It would've been worse if he wasn't there.. sigh. So I pretty much lost my parent's trust....yay. |
Slid down the rainbow at 10:24 PM  |
Saturday, August 15, 2009 |
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Life's good. Everything seems to be falling back into place, the way it should be.
This summer has been interesting. I lost friends, regained them, and made new ones too. These new friends that I made are the ones I met at Edison's prom. I can tell that these Virginians are not any ordinary people. I believe that they came into my life for a reason. Although we haven't known each other for a long time, I know they are good people and true friends. Phillip, Andre (Already know him lol), Thanh, Burhan, Pavan, Kenny... They're awesome and they make me smile. Out of the group, there's a special one. A real special one. Denis He. Hm, where do I begin? One, I met him at Prom. Two, he's fat. REALLY FAT. Three, he's a loser. Four, he basically knows me. And five, he captured my heart :)
College is soon starting, and well.. frankly, I'm nervous yet excited. Oh yeah! Financial Aid FINALLY put together a package for me andddddd.. I got a full ride to UMCP! Yay :) Next thing that needs to be done until I'm all set is go to orientation on the 19th and register for class.
But.. I'll miss everyone. I hope we keep in touch, and SKYPE/OOVOO guys! :] |
Slid down the rainbow at 1:26 AM  |
Saturday, August 8, 2009 |
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Lately, I feel that I am able to connect to God more... I'm starting to get to know and understand him. I still don't know a great deal, but I want to learn. I want to be closer. I feel more positive and happier now!
If anyone has any passage or section from the Bible that they would like to recommend, please let me know! :) |
Slid down the rainbow at 10:48 PM  |
Monday, April 13, 2009 |
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Spring break... was awesome yet kinda frustrating. For the most part, I spent time with the people I love- my family, best friends, and the youth group. I didn't really do anything exciting, but we had spontaneous plans lol. I went running everyday. Speaking of running, we had a track meet on Wednesday... which I was upset about because there was no 2-mile event, so I had to run in the 1-mile (which I haven't raced at all since the beginning of indoor track). Definitely not my event...but I managed to push through and got 3rd place. Eh I guess it's okay. Wow.. I don't remember what happened on Thursday or Friday o__o;; Uhh OH WAIT! Me, Jason, Rico, Myrrh, Kisha, Mary, and Matt went bowling and then hung out at the Bowie Town Center. It was very fun :) Now I definitely don't remember what I did on Friday looool. On Saturday, I hung out with the youth groupe Before Bible Study, I was trying to finish cleaning my room so I could go. Luckily, Myrrh and Kisha came to the rescue and we got it done! We got there late..totally my fault! Anyways, afterwards, we went to pizza hut and chilled, goofed around in the parking lot, and then some of us went to Kisha's to chill. From Sunday to Monday, I went to my dad's in Virginia, bringing Kisha along. We went to Potomac Mills and pretty much spent all our money on one story- URBAN BEHAVIORS (my favorite store of all time) :] Then, we walked to Earring Worlds, where I got my jewelry set for PROOOMMMM! Hooooollaaaa :) Then things started turning bad... I drove home from my dad's..... and things that usually doesn't happened....happened. I almost got into many accidents. And guess what? My driver's test is on Friday. Well, I'm screwed. I think I should just stick to taking the bus and walking.It's so much safer on my part XD Actually I'm more screwed now. School starts tomorrow and I haven't started a single homework........... yay. |
Slid down the rainbow at 10:00 PM  |
Thursday, April 2, 2009 |
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I feel great. Better than I have been in the past couple days. Since I've been doing lacrosse since the beginning of spring season, I haven't been exactly doing my track workouts...or raced..or really "ran" since February. ...And there was a track meet at school yesterday. I was NERVOUS. I was pretty much shaking- thinking negative thoughts.. which isn't a good idea. As time was closing in to my event, I started to concentrate and think positive. At the starting line while I was getting ready to dash off when the gun went off, I felt my heart beating tremendously. I know with my coach standing there to guide me, I would have do fine. AND I DID :) I came in second place, and I broke my personal record despite not running since a while ago. Even though I got beat by the Largo girl, I am proud. It's only the beginning of season, but I'm prepared- mentally and physically. BRING IT ON, WORLD >:) |
Slid down the rainbow at 3:37 PM  |
Monday, March 30, 2009 |
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So today we had a home game. We made a big comeback in the second half, but we still lost. It's okay because we did great. I'm very proud of our team :) And I MADE A GOAL WOOOOOOT :D
Then, Jason and I went running. It was nice and relaxing...until my stomach was growling like CRAZY. So, we headed over to the bowie town center to eat SUUUUBWAYYYY :]
Well, I THOUGHT today was a good day, but I'm not really sure anymore. I became close with the YG and then I find out that most are moving soon. Yeah, I know it's life and of course we all change especially after high school- maturing and such. I'm not complaining about that part. But I'm depressed just by the thought of not being able to see my best friends on a regular daily basis anymore. I don't know... I guess they're happy they're going their own ways. I'M happy for them too. Just.. it doesn't really seem like they care about what they're leaving behind. who they're leaving behind. I shouldn't think about it, I'm trying not to. It's hard.
...I just don't want three years to come. at all. |
Slid down the rainbow at 11:31 PM  |
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 |
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Wow..where to start? So, lately I feel that my life's been so much happier, but somehow at the same time, I feel detached. I'm not really sure what it is, to be honest. I mean, all my close friends that I was drifting apart from.. we found our connection again. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad! Everything should be and is going well... I hope.
There are many things I'm confused about right now, but I'm afraid to question it and find the out truth. I'm trying to not let get it to me, but it just happens to do so. My feelings about and for people haven't changed, but has theirs? Then, there's my mother, whose constantly criticizing me - whether it's my appearance or just the things I enjoy to do. Is it so hard to show some encouragement or support? What's with the negative aura? People are puzzling... heck, I'M puzzling myself. Sometimes I lay in bed, deep in thoughts, wondering if this is the true me. I'm not so sure myself. Am I associating with the right or wrong crowd? Who ARE my true friends? I've been deceived too many times and yet I still can't tell apart what's good from bad. What's better for me, my present, my future?
I feel like my childhood and teenage years have been deprived. I'm in my house majority of the time...not that it's a bad thing.. but I want to be able to explore more. I want to take a risk- take a chance. Live life to its fullest. |
Slid down the rainbow at 11:05 PM  |
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